If you're reading our blog, there's a decent chance you really like what we do. You've sought us out because you want to know what's up with us. You might have been there for the whole betsy & iya journey--from the tiniest studio on earth to the beautiful shop we have now. Or perhaps you found us recently and think there's something special about us. However long you've been a fan of what we do, we are honored that you've made a special point to follow us, to come here today and see what we're up to. We cannot thank you enough for all the love and support you've shown.
Today, something BIG is in the works: We are up for a HUGE grant that would help take our business to the next level. We have never had a business loan for the life of the business, just steadily grown, inch by inch, leap by leap. We have an amazing opportunity for growth with this grant and all we need from you is a little vote to be considered for review by the panel. If you think we have what it takes to make this little biz jump to the next level, will you give us your vote?
It takes a Facebook account and just a few seconds and a few clicks.
- GO HERE: https://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/
- Click the bottom right big blue button that says "Log in & Support"
- Scroll down and type in "betsy & iya" into the big white box.
- Our name should come up. Click the big "VOTE" button to the right of our name.
- Please share with others who you think might like what we're doing!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting this little thing along the way. It means more than we will ever be able to fully express to you.

Will & Betsy
***Song of the Moment: Better Things, by Passion Pit***