RT2011, Days 16-17: Be Mine, San Diego

After a brief stopover in Phoenix, we found our way to San Diego.  And boy, were we ready for a stopover.  We'd covered half the country--1,500+ miles--in 3 days, stopping only for appointments, meals, and sleep. Even with satellite radio in our new car, the regular radio, and two iPhones, we found ourselves crazy for new tunes by the time we hit Phoenix.  We found a cute record shop there and bought the following: Sound of Silver and This is Happening, by LCD Soundsystem, No Color, by The Dodos, Halcyon Digest, by Deerhunter, and the self-titled Maximum Balloon.  High marks the first four and an enjoyable listen for the last; however, we both agreed that Maximum Balloon works better to fill slots on a mixed tape rather than all the way through all at once. ANYWAY. San Diego came into our lives and we were ready for her. We'll be sending Vocabulary Boutique her first order in the next few days.  Vocabulary really enjoyed selections from the Shameless Love line. ***Song of the Moment: Get Innocuous, by LCD Soundsystem***
Group 7