To me, Solid Gold and the neighborhood where it lives was the most representative of the Austin I have always heard about... The one that everyone says is most similar to Portland. It's owner, Katie, has such a cool and sharp eye. Not to mention that she was such a pleasure to work with. I LOVE MEETING THESE AMAZING SHOP OWNERS! Have I told you guys that yet!? I love my job.
The shop itself is so well designed, by her and her husband. It is light, airy, and super fresh. With its own Austin flair, it felt like I was walking in to a little bit of Portland.
And that was really nice. She picked a wide range of b&i, but she was super duper excited about this necklace:
Ashlyn's Brilliance (named after the real deal "iya"
So I'm super duper excited to make it and get it in her HOT shop! GO visit the lovely Katie and her beautiful shop! You GUYS! Have an awesome weekend. Seriously. xo~betsy ***Song of the Moment: You Wanted a Hit, by LCD Soundsystem*** Okay okay okay, I am truly behind the times because I just discovered this amazing music, but I have to say---I'm full-on smitten. full on, people. images disclaimer: I forgot my camera when I visited Solid Gold, so all of these amazing images are courtesy of their own website and facebook page. Thank you, yay!