It's GORGEOUS outside today (which for us Portlanders...feels a little bit like a Christmas miracle). And I'm inside with my new specs, contemplating design. The sun is shining on my face and I'm loving it.

I've been thinking about, dreaming up, and drawing out these new designs for months now. This might be the longest I've ever thought about one collection. Lots of things contributed to its delay, but I think major advantages have emerged as a result.

That said, I'm ready. I'm
ready to share this collection in its complete form. I'm proud of it. I'm excited and surprised by it. I want to put some of it on RIGHT NOW.

This collection will feature things that I didn't think I was capable of featuring. It will feature them well; and I can't wait. And...that's all you're going to get right now. WHOOP! I hope you all have incredibly productive, sunny, happy weekends. Much love to all. xo~betsy ***Song of the Moment:
Little Secrets, by Passion Pit***