So we left birdies with some nosh from YJ's---the single most recommended eats to us in KC---mmmmmm, SO good. Then we got on the road. This is what met us for…weeeeell, pretty much the ENTIRE ride up to Chicago:
That's right folks. Like 10 hours of rain. Torrential rain. Rain that overpowered the sound of the radio as it wailed down on our trusty steed. Lots and lots of rain. I can’t say that I hated it (of course, I also can't say that I drove during any of it either...thanks, huzzy!). I’ve always loved the rush I get from lightening, the burst of energy, the striking scene…gorgeous. I miss it in the Pacific NW. I sat for a good 30 minutes with my camera set to catch one of those darn things... never did. Lightning is fast, people. That's why they say "Fast as lightning." ***Song of the Moment: Crash Years, by The New Pornographers***