mama's little reflection
Today, I remind myself of my mother. It's a beautiful, comforting reminder full of breath and weight.
sexy mama
We love HANDMADE! This cutesy cowl-neck sweater(ish) dress was handmade by my great friend Jen and given to me for Christmas 2007. I have loved and used it ever since. The sweet little expandable oldy goldy skin 'n' bones belt was snatched up at a ridiculously awesome RV-type estate sale (I know, such a perfect oxymoron) for 50 cents. Can I just say: Boo. YAH. I seriously wear that accessory belt with so many different outfits. It spices them ALL up and makes me feel sleek and sexy. Awesome jeans were made in LA by Freedom of Choice and purchased at a local store that I keep raving about, Pin Me Apparel.
boots boots boots
Two words: frye. boots. I've told you before--I LIVE in these boots. They're so comfortable. They're so rough. They're so classic and feminine (by not being feminine at all). I love them. They were made in the USA and purchased at an awesome local store, Johnny Sole, to boot.
most important ingredient: mama's scarf

Over the holidays I ran into an old friend, one that used to soothe me on dark days and amplify the bright ones: mom's old scarf drawer. I am seriously addicted to mom's old scarves. And I have been, ever since I was old enough to appreciate true style. My mom's got it. I LOVE it. Wearing her old scarves is much much more than pure style. It's familial, it's like holding an old baby blanket and still sucking my thumb, it's looking through favorite books on a solo day, eating my favorite meal, smiles, admiration, a deep deep love and more than that, they smell like her---like home.
And so, on these days, I make sure home goes with me wherever I go.
***Song of the Moment: Sweet Heart Fever, by Scout Niblett***