Happy 2016, dear b&i blog readers! We're emerging triumphant from the post-holidays haze and ready to jump head first into a glorious new year. As per usual, we have tons of plans for 2016, most of which will be revealed in due time (c'mon, like I'd give away ALL our secrets this early in the year!). For now, I'm happy to report that our brick & mortar's New Years Resolution is to keep serving up the most beautiful and useful must-have items from makers all over the world. Early analysis: the resolution is going very, very well.
Upgrade your wallet &/or clutch in 2016 with these insanely attractive options from Matine (clutches) and Moniker Goods (wallets). Available in-store.
Bold, beautiful, and still incredibly versatile. All our accessory dreams come true in the Unu necklace.
Let our 14 Shop Principles guide your work and personal life in the new year! Available in-store & online here. Top knot support provided by a Caravan Pacific hair tie.
Resolve to have more underwear dance parties in 2016. Thank me later. Card by Laura Berger, in-store now.
Things that are awesome about this picture: our festive strand of garland is still going strong, the awesomely winter color palate of this clothing rack (black, grey, & dark purple, with flashes of rosy red, cream, and melon), and that the sun has been spotted shining into our shop. Glory be! If you haven't already made your first trip to betsy & iya of 2016, what in the world are you waiting for?! See you soon, Anna