If you don't know, now you know: the two-day prize raffle and shopping event that takes place on Black Friday & Small Business Saturday (11/27 & 11/28 this year) is back and bigger than ever for its fifth year! Created by Betsy & Will in 2011, Little Boxes has become an annual tradition for the whole city. betsy & iya is so ready to participate again this year!
It's totally FREE to enter the prize raffle; simply visit one of the 200+ Little Box shops to get one raffle entry. The more shops you visit, the more raffle entries you'll get; and as an extra awesome perk, if you make a purchase at a Little Box shop, you'll receive 10% off what you buy at the next LB shop you visit. RADical!
Here's what else you need to know:
We're super near and dear to the Little Boxes mission here, and I want to reiterate how much of a team effort this is. Special shoutouts to Betsy & Will for literally making this all happen, Elizabeth whose been helping me with promotion, and our whole betsy & iya family for stepping in to help package paper materials, pose for photos, and provide encouraging words.
BIG LB hugs to you all! Come out and have some freaking fun on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. We promise it's not only possible, but so easy!
xo Anna

- Enter the raffle and track your purchases one of two ways: either with the adorable Paper Passports (seen above), OR with our FREE smartphone app. Available for iPhone and Android this year, you can download the app here.
- There are ah-maze-ing prizes at stake: check out our prize page for ALL the cool stuff you can win, plus pictures of actual human winners. They exist and this year, it could be YOU!
- Paper Passports are for everyone: Why? Because, coupons, my dear reader. That's right, screaming good deals to 40 Little Box shops are happily housed in the back pages of the Passport this year. You might even find one for your favorite jewelry & lifestyle boutique in there (wink, wink, nod, nod).