Saturday, December 5th join us at the shop for Better to Give Saturday, an entire day dedicated to our life motto! RSVP here and invite your friends!
We'll be donating 10% of all sales on 12/5 to Friends of the Children - Portland. We've given to FOTC as a staff, and through in-store promotions before, and we're thrilled to be able to do it again. Here's what else we're serving up (because we ♥ you, of course!): CUSTOMIZE our jewelry with stamping: select from letters, numbers, a ♥, or any combo of those to stamp on select b&i pieces. First 3 characters are free, $2.50 per character after that. Talk about a perfect gift!
TOURS: Betsy will be guiding tours through our production studio on the half hour starting at 9:30am. You’ll get insider info about our processes, daily tasks, and the machines we work with. Tours recommended for kids ages 6+
ALL AGES WELCOME: babies, toddlers, & kiddos will hang out in our gorgeous staff lounge while you shop uninterrupted [you're welcome]. We'll have a simple jewelry making craft for kids ages 3.5 + to enjoy (supervised by staff), plus a certified babysitter (hi, Taylor!) onsite to entertain littler ones.
TREATS: How are you supposed to get festive without sugar &/or caffiene? We'd never deprive you of either. Enjoy goodies from Dragonfly Cafe, coffee, & mimosas while they last!
See you Saturday! -Anna