Through the eyes of our makers, one can learn a lot. Not only about the tools, materials, and processes involved in creating the betsy & iya line, but also about life. There are so many parallels between making and living, and we're sharing some of our favorite life lessons straight from the workbench.
Set yourself up for success. The tools on Betsy's desk are arranged so that whatever she needs in the moment is within easy reach. This is a result of years of making, and awareness about the way she works best. Often times she's working on very intricate details (like settings stones) and knowing that her tools are close by releases a certain amount of worry from her mind, space that can be devoted to making, rather than thinking about 'what if' she has to stop and search for something. Whatever this is for you in your work/life space, do it!
Let go of the illusion of perfection. This, my friends, is a real life maker's bench. Sure, I could share a 'prettier' photo (after all, we are really into knolling right now), but this picture shows the truth. This is the scattered, piled up, messy reality of making jewelry with several components. Let go of trying to create the perfect Instagram workbench shot, and let in the wild and crazy creativity that's within all of us.
Buy in bulk. Er, make in bulk. It's easier to be productive if you're in the groove and focused on one thing. Our production team is constantly working to make enough pieces of jewelry to have a healthy back stock so that we always have the pieces we need ready to go. Making a large quantity of the same piece means that their attention is focused, and our back stock is full. Win, win! Here's a handful of Oscura earring pieces made at one time that will now get trimmed up before adding ear wires.
There's beauty in the process (not just the end result). I am obsessed with this photo of Unu necklace brass focal pieces post-annealing session. Look at the crazy cool colors and patterns created when the flame of the torch hits metal. Eventually, these will be cleaned up and strung on cord, but in this moment, they're rad little sculptures.
Set reasonable goals, and achieve them. There's so much satisfaction when you can actually see the fruits of your labor. For example, take this tray of Bridge Cuffs with Shayna's name on them. These cuffs have already gone through the processes of annealing, hammering, forming, and tumbling. And now, they're ready to be sent off in orders, or placed on the retail floor. It's always motivating to see the work you've done from start to finish.
It's the little things that count. Like taking the time to scratch a love note to our customers in the dust created by sanding Black Root earrings. Pause, breath, smile, and take joy in your work.
What lessons have you learned from your work that help you in daily life? What lessons from daily life do you infuse into your work? Do tell!
xo Anna