Join Us this Weekend for the PDX Collective Sale!

Hey everyone, it's that time again where we pack up our summer styles, slow movers, and ever so slightly imperfect jewelry and ship it all over to The Cleaners on SW Stark / 10th for the semi-annual PDX Collective Sale.

betsy & iya PDX sale

Here's a sneak peek of what you'll find in our little corner:

pdx fall 13 sneak peek

pdx fall 13 sneak peek3

pdx fall 13 sneak peek2

Find these goodies and so many more (including but not limited to: perfumes, prints, apparel, home goods, and other sweet accessories)! And not only can you get your hands on our jewelry/shop merchandise, but some of our other shop besties will be at the party too, like Radish Underground, Ecovibe Apparel, Parallel, Shop Adorn, and more!

Great savings, amazing finds, and super-cool people. You can't go wrong.



***Song of the moment: Demon Dance by Surfer Blood***

Group 7