(Okay okay, I've been back in Portland from NYC and DC for exactly 2 weeks now. But geez...it sure did take awhile for me to feel like I was back. So now I'm really back and boy oh boy do I have loads to share with you. I'm gonna start by backing up the bus to the frenzy that took place before I left PDX.)

My honey and I knew we needed to get all of our wedding invites out before I skipped town for a few weeks, so we rallied an incredibly generous group of friends to hang with us and make the handmade glory happen. What we thought would take 2-3 hours tops, ended up taking nearly 10 hours with the help of 6 other people. Not to mention all the prep work W and me had already put in.

There was cutting. More cutting. Oh yeah, and even more cutting. With a little piano playing,
music video watching, brew, wine, ice cream, laughter and love...and we were well on our way.

At last came the teeny tiny hallway production line:

It got wild and crazy, took WAY longer than expected, got stressed, emotional, and giddy, but in the end turned out better than we had ever imagined.

In the end, we were humbled and overjoyed by their willingness and insistence on sticking with us until the invitations were complete (some even having to work early the next day). Moreover, I am so grateful for the network of love I have in my life. As W and I enter this marriage together, may we always remember and revel in the love that extends far beyond our own little unit. That is, perhaps, what helps us love as hard as we know how.
We are so very lucky.
Thank you friends, we love you.
***Song of the Moment:
Stork and Owl, by TV on the Radio***