My name is Louise, a great friend of betsy's, and I'm also hijacking her blog until she gets her butt back in gear on here. This weekend I'm hosting an amazing DIY music video festival and y'all should come!!
What The Pop! Is a DIY music video festival, based in the heart of Humboldt County, CA. The one day festival will showcase the little music and video gems that wither away unappreciated whether on Youtube or in a shoebox under your bed—the song that was recorded in the wee hours of the morning on a 4-track in a bedroom, or that a band pieced together on their computer in the garage, the video that some kids shot last summer on their mums camera, or some band filmed in the streets of themselves dancing in giant papier-mâché animal heads—this is the venue for them. We have a panel of judges who will pick videos for each of the many diverse categories–the winners will be presented with a stunning lo-fi, DIY prize on the night of the festival. Bands will play, videos will be on a big screen, and delicious food and drinks will be on sale, all for one night only at the Arcata Playhouse, Arcata, CA. July 11th 2009. Tickets for What The Pop! Music Video Festival are available at the door or you may reserve them by emailing us at $10 General, $8 Students, $5 small kids. There is still time to enter a video in What The Pop!, just email and we will send you an entry form. It’s free to enter. The regulations are…the music in your video must be an original recording, not a cover and we’ll need a copy of the music video in DVD format. That’s it! Just send us your DVD and completed application form and you are in the festival. The clock is ticking though, What The Pop! is on July 11th, so we need those videos ASAP! Any questions just drop us an email. Visit us at for more information. ***Song of the Moment: I Went With Some Friends to See the Flaming Lips, by Benji Hughes***