Ever since I was old enough to notice, I've been obsessed with the color purple. My infatuation has only increased through the years, elevating it to an insanely ridiculous color love. I don't like to wear the color so much as I like to think about it, ogle and sometimes eat it.
don't cry little ones. you will all be gone soon.

Lately, I've been eating frozen blueberries as a dessert. They're SO good. If you haven't tried them yet, you should. The other day, the light was so perfect shining through the window---in mid-bite, I noticed the variations of purple that had stained the perfectly white IKEA bowl. Then I felt guilty for killing the little squishy purple things. I decided to document the blueberry massacre in case the police needed any information.
After I gobbled the last cold squishy purples, I gazed out the window and saw this:
ahhh Portland.

Then I felt connected with the little purples coating my belly. No remorse, just love.
Now I must show some attention to the load of sexy jewelry orders I need to send, send away to their new owners!
***Song of the Moment: All is Full of Love, by Bjork***