Hello again, #betsyandiyabuildout followers! I write an expansion update every other week and each time, the same thoughts invade my mind: I wonder how it's already possible for another one, how so many leaps & bounds have been made in only a few days, how the grand opening party will be here before we know it (start planning your outfits now, people, it's going to be a BASH!!). This time, I'm thinking all of those things as per usual, but with greater emphasis on the progress. It's like when a fetus starts to really resemble a baby human; dry wall now covers the insulation that was put in last week, and the exposed wood wall is almost done. It's starting to look like an *almost* fully formed space back there!
Rachel & Will check in about progress, share tips on where to buy cool boots Insulation is just blowing my mind these days. It's one of those "don't know what ya got till it's gone" things; when it was removed from a portion of our current production space to begin work on plumbing, it was instantly missed (holy chilliness!). In the new space, I was expecting the cotton candy pink kind that I was warned against touching as a kid, but this pillowy version is a lovely shade of mint green and made of wool (it's also fire and sound proof).
We've all highly anticipated the exposed wood wall that's been discussed since we first saw the plans. Reclaimed wood from Salvage Works arrived (left), was cut to size by Justin (middle), and then up it went! Oooh's & ahhh's ensued (right).
On the ground, sawdust & sassy shoes; on the wall, some extremely sexy reclaimed-wood-on-exposed-brick action (how are we going to concentrate with all that beeeeauty?!).
Allow me an indulgent moment: here's me, as captured by Betsy, with the silly grin on my face that just appears every time I visit the new space.
I'm already looking forward to the next update! Cheers, Anna ***Song of the Moment: Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 by Pink Floyd***