(and a mini OOTD for you. I've got lots of new outfit combos stored up for this year; I can't wait to share them all with you.)

I love these shoes. I can't remember what blog I first saw these on, maybe one of my faves,
Modish or
Creature Comforts, but I feel like I've seen them on lots of great blogs that I read. Anyways, they would pop up here and there---teasing me. In this whole saving money phase of my life, I wasn't sure when or if I would ever be able to obtain a pair for my very own. Needless to say, I was astonished when I opened a present from my parents-in-law, with this pair inside:

They weren't sure which pair I wanted, W had just send a link to the whole site, saying that I was obsessed. When I opened them, I wanted to do back flips. Weird, I know---for
shoes. I couldn't believe how well made they were. I thought they looked great in the pictures, but in person, in
person...they blew me away
. There was a return slip inside so I could pick the pair I really wanted. When I went on their site again, though, I was reminded that I pretty much want every pair. I chose to keep this one---
aaaaand start a new collection. I hope to own a
bootie type pair by 2012. Ah, goals...they're GREAT!

I can't say enough good about this
independent company from Brooklyn. Their handmade shoes are so divine. ***Song of the Moment:
Deep Blue, by Arcade Fire***