Here at betsy & iya we take time each quarter to try our best to give back to our community of Portland through volunteering. In the past we have donated blood, spent time at the Food Bank, as well as donated bundles of items to an organization that helps refugees become settled here in the city.
This past month we worked with Portland Community Gardens to help take down a blackberry bush that had begun to invade the garden and, therefore, inhibit people from working on their planter boxes.
As you can see, it had spread quite far.

Over the course of two and a half hours, we lobbed away and dug up any roots we could find. Of course, we also took breaks to hydrate and snack on donuts, the ultimate power-up food.

We were so happy to help out Portland Community Gardens. They're a small team in our city, and they rely on a lot of volunteers just like us to get a lot of the work done.