To Bang or Not To Bang?? (please vote).

I've come to a crossroads.  (if you want to vote immediately, please skip to the bottom of this post) A few years ago, a good friend cut bangs for me (had not had them since I was in 4th grade).   It took a little time for me to get used to them, but eventually I cut half my head into bangs because I liked them so much.  I rocked them for about 3 years, in varying lengths and thicknesses.  It was sort of a reinvention of me.  In that time, I finished graduate school, moved, started betsy & iya, fell in love harder, got engaged, married, etc.  big things.  big bangs.



bangbangJust the other day I realized that I had accidentally lazily let my bangs grow out.  So much that I've seen myself in a different light:  a no-bang light, one that I have not considered in a long time... Like, big grown-up no-bang betsy.


no bangno bang


no bangno bangno bang

no bangno bang


no bangno bang

HELP!!!!!!!!  please cast your vote below.  if you have something more specific to say about it, please say so in the comment section.  your cooperation is very much appreciated.

(earrings pictured in no-bang pictures are newly listed in my online shop.  you can click the picture below if you want to purchase.) feather hoop Thank you and HAPPY WEEKEND!! xox~betsy ***Song of the Moment: Weekend Wars, by MGMT***
Group 7