The new collection is finally done!!!! We've been showing you teasers for the past couple weeks and we're sorry to keep you waiting for so long. But it's not quite ready yet. I know, I know, I totally just got your hopes up. Yikes, my bad. The good news is that it's done, now all we need to do is start making it! Hooray! So today's post is the ultimate teaser:
This past Monday was the first time that the team got to see the entire collection. If you're confused about this it's because the collection was 98% complete at 3:00am on Thursday the 15th. Just a few hours later Betsy & Will packed it up and took it to New York for the NY NOW trade show.
Of course we all know that Betsy is the genius and designer behind this collection, but I couldn't help but feel (and I bet the rest of the team can back me up) like a new mom when the collection left for New York. You know when a mom gives birth and all of a sudden the nurses take the baby away for a few minutes to clean it up and make sure it's healthy and she's like, "Hey! Give me back my baby!"--Again, I know this collection is not my baby, it's Betsy's. But to see something so beautiful for a split second then it's gone, you just want it to come back to you! Wouldn't you want to look at these pieces all day?

We are freaking out over this collection, you will too. It will be here soon, soon, soon, SOON! We promise! Freshlove, Barrie ***Song of the moment: How Long Must I Wait by Dr. Dog***