Where do you hail from? Indianapolis, IN. I moved here in 2008 with the same "go west, young one" mindset of many of my midwestern brothers & sisters. Mostly, it was for a change (I'd never lived outside Indiana nor been west of Colorado!) and a thought that if I were ever to make a cross-country move, I should do it before I had any major commitments in life. I love Portland for so many reasons and am very grateful to feel welcome here and like I've made a home for myself.
Hobbies Shopping, writing, documenting life. Day 1 for Anna and it hasn't even been 5 minutes and we've already put her to work! Scrub, Anna, scrub!!
Favorite bar in PDX Shanghai Tunnel. Monday-Thursday, there really isn't much I don't love about that bar (the weekend crowd can be a buzz kill, IMHO). $2 wells during Happy Hour (5-7pm, for those taking notes), goblet-sized red wine pours, and friendly staff. But I think my most favorite thing is the atmosphere because it's dark (everyone looks GREAT!) and the main bar is downstairs, making it feel like some sort of alternate universe to me (or did I just have too many gin & sodas? :-) ).
Guilty pleasure Rihanna, communicating in emoji, and Slurpees. Anna's first Monday meeting as she describes her "desert island movie." A fun icebreaker for the crew. It was Little Women circa 1994. Adorable!
Pizza or Pho? Pizza. I'm realllllly not picky when it comes to pizza, and I often think the more low-brow the better (shout-out to Papa John's!!!). Nothing too fancy, but I do love a lot of toppings- meat &/or veggie. I really want to try Dove Vivi.
Favorite TV show Mad Men
What's your sign? Pisces Three things you can't leave your house without Gum, lipstick, and bobby pins.
Your favorite DIY project Painting my nails? I'm not very crafty :-)
What makes you laugh the most? Texting conversations with my sister. She lives in Denver, CO and I'm so grateful for texting to keep us in close touch. We text multiple times daily, and often send each other screen shots of pictures/comment threads/articles we see throughout the day to make each other smile. We also enjoy sharing a healthy amount of "siblings bonding over funny stuff their parents do/say"- themed texts (hi, mom & dad!), which are always good for laughs. Top 3 favorite b&i pieces Catenary Ring necklace- this is the first necklace I bought as an official employee so it will always hold a special place in my heart. I love jewelry that is unique and looks like a mini sculpture. This even has an interactive element to it that I discovered upon first wear when I fiddled with the hoops throughout a happy hour. Supes fun! Corollary Triangle earrings- These I bought at the 4 year anniversary party last year after coveting them online for a while. They are like wearing works of art on each ear! I could (gently) nail them to a wall and people would love my new decor. The use of diagonal line is my favorite detail. Night Watch ring (polished)- This little guy I got free as a result of spending x amount at aforementioned anniversary party and it surprised me by ending up in my permanent rotation (always on right hand, middle finger) since I didn't really set out to find it or even choose it. It is glorious in its simplicity and I know that's why I've ended up wearing it so regularly; it goes with everything and compliments the more intricate rings I also wear on that hand.
What a woman. Am I right? There's not much I can say about this lady other than what I've already said: We're so happy to have you, Anna! Get ready to see more of this lovely lady on the blog a lot more. Or, if you'd like to say "Hello" in person come by the shop, you'll soon become BFF's. Annalove! Barrie ***Song of the moment: When the Levee Breaks by Led Zeppelin***