***Wait a minute. Can we hold on for a second. Is that Kate?!? Our sweet, innocent Kate??? Holy cow.... Kate you are a BEAST!!! I would not want to make you angry. Go get 'em! ***
Favorite Summer smell(s) >>The beach and sunscreen. These take me back to California vacations and grandma's coconut tanning lotion. Ultimate Summer vacation destination >>Deutschland. I went there a couple of years ago and I've been dying to go back ever since, especially because I can speak some German now! Describe to me your perfect Summer Soiree >>Bonfire after a day at the beach with a big group of friends with s'mores and my more musically gifted friends playing guitar and singing and then finish the night with star gazing.***Check out more of Kate's summer favorites on her Pinterest page***
What a relaxing summer you've made for yourself, Kate.... except maybe the rugby. Still can't get over how fierce you look! Summerlove, Barrie ***Song of the moment: The Sun by Portugal. The Man***