Yippee! It's my turn! Here's my ideal Summer: :)
Favorite color for Summer >>Mint. It's fresh, light, happy, and it's my favorite ice cream flavor. And what could be better for summer than ice cream? Favorite seasonal fruit >>PEACHES!!!! I'll never forget the day I moved to California and walked into my new home where my family had thrown us a surprise party. At the party where the biggest peaches I'd ever seen in my life (granted I was also a very small 10-year-old girl) and they tasted like heaven! They are perfectly sweet and delicious and wonderful and I want them all the time. What's on your Summer playlist? >>The Strokes & The Shins: Bands that I first listened to during my Summer vacation in 2003 and I never get tired of them. I also saw The Shins perform in August 2010 at Outsidelands in San Francisco and they were stellar! Wild Belle is a new band that I just heard of recently and I'm loving the relaxing, happy atmosphere that they create in my apartment, walking down the street, and at work. Favorite restaurant to sit outside of >>Besaws. I love sitting in their alcove in the back, that way I don't have to face the traffic and trucks coming off the freeway. Every time I have friends coming into town we go to Besaws for breakfast and I enjoy their tasty parfait. Favorite Summer activity >>This is really more of a goal for me. I've lived in Portland for almost three years and I still have never been to the Oregon coast... I KNOW! How embarrassing. But I love the beach, so this summer I swear to you that I will go to Cannon Beach and enjoy myself! I promise you! Favorite Summer smells >>Anything that reminds me of Martha's Vineyard. I used to spend a couple weeks there every summer as a kid and it's hard to describe the exact smells of the island. You know that feeling when you're walking around somewhere and all of a sudden you catch a whiff of something and time stops for a second because you're taken back to a time in your life that either comes to you right away, or the memory is just on the tip of your tongue (or nose) but you can't quite recall what it's from. Well, pretty much any kind of raw fish smell like going down to the docks, a field of grass mixed with sea water, or classic greasy diner food by the water; That brings me back to a care-free time in my life. Ultimate summer vacation destination >>Right now Morocco sounds pretty good. Looking at any of the cityscapes from far away the towns looks like little brown boxes of boring, but once you walk through the streets theres nothing but color and pattern all around. The perfect place during the summer to be inspired.

***Check out more pics of my Summer Favorites on my Pinterest page***
'Til next week my Summer blossoms. Summerlove, Barrie ***Song of the moment: Phantom Limb by The Shins***