For our quarterly staff bonding event, we headed to the Viscount Dance Studio in SE Portland for a group salsa lesson. Betsy, Will, and Shea had all taken salsa lessons before, but most of us were super duper beginners. Our teacher Sarah was incredibly patient and led us through an hour and a half of steps ranging from basic "quick quick slow" foot movements to much more complicated interactions with a partner.
The time flew by, mostly for me because my brain was so busy concentrating on what to do next. Even though I assumed the role of the "follower," it was still challenging to let my movements be guided by another person (who usually was just as clueless as I was!).
Because there were so many beginners, our class made for some interesting partnerships - bodies bumping, toes *almost* being stepped on, etc. - as we rotated dancing with each member of our team. It was nice to be removed completely from our everyday interactions with each other and instead to focus on this new goal, one that was pretty much equally difficult for us all to figure out. (except you, Shea. You are a salsa master!) Therein lies the goal of this group bonding session: tossing a group of people into a situation where they need to rely on each other for guidance, success, and most of all, fun. I think we nailed it- because of those things and also because there were no injuries.
Afterward we enjoyed drinks and food at White Owl Social Club. Thanks b&i family for the fun night! Already looking forward to the next one. -Anna