Radish Underground TONIGHT!

I've been cooking up some awesome new blog structure for you, so you might want to come back here more often.  Expect it to begin NEXT WEEK.  I'll post the schedule sometime this weekend.  Yay!  I'm really ready to get back into this. In the mean time, you can catch me here: 


Radish Undergound February 12, 2010 event


I'll be on location, making custom Shameless Love necklaces (amid other great designer company) for customers who come by Radish Underground tonight between 5-9 pm.  It will be a BLAST. Have beautiful weekends if I don't see you tonight!  And, why not...HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to you all. xo~betsy ***Song of the Moment: July Flame, by Laura Veirs*** (a Portland gal)

Group 7