Pure Happiness.


Feeling a little brain dead, I was just going to post funny pictures today and then I came across some of my favorites, so I figured I would make it a bit more specific... Meet: Stellan


He's one of my best friends.  We like doing silly mac photoshoots together and falling down.  You know, just falling down---for no reason at all.  OR doing Ram Jams (our other good friend, Suzanne, taught us this one inspired by The Wrestler).


Sometimes I'm a little much for him.


Sometimes he's a little much for me ...(not really ever, actually).


But mostly, we inspire the inner-goof out of the other.  And he makes me think of pure happiness...not the kind muddied up by futile things.  Pure happiness, the kind that is only because it is.


Whoa!!  W, don't be jealous...Stellan and I are just friends.  He gives such great advice though and doesn't even know it!  When I'm around him I'm able to let go of the big things and hang on to the little ones---those moments full of love and joy and wonder.  Pure moments.  The second I see him, I remember that.

Oh and if you LOVE those blue earrings in the first photo, here's a link for your buying pleasure.  They kind of go with everything.

(just click on the pic and you'll be directed to the shop!)

Hope your weekends are full of little sparkly moments of pure joy.


***Song of the Moment: The Youth, by MGMT***

Group 7