Yeah girl. Anna is definitely rockin' her first #ootd with some sweet duds & accessories. What? Talk about adorable. Anna's laughter and enthusiasm are positively infectious! She prances around the shop with a smile on her face, a pep in her step, and bobby pins in her hair (at least 5 every day). To add to these precious attributes is her playful and sassy style.
Digging the hat.
The little kitty in the upper left corner likes to hang out around the back of our building and today he decided to join the party!
Top Score from a clothing swap!
Dress, from H&M
Flats, Urban Outfitters
Bangles, Vintage, Mojave
Rings betsy & iya, Seaworthy, vintage
Necklace, Grandmother's engagement ring & locket on chain
So excited to be seeing more of this little cutie on the blog. She always comes in to the shop looking top notch donned with some twenty accessories, nail polish & phone cover included, so I'll be sure to take as many pictures as I can; her style must be seen! Sassykisses, Barrie ***Song of the moment: Down By the Seaside by Led Zeppelin***