Not only is Barrie the artistic genius that created our current Bridges Collection Window Display, she has mad style to boot. Every time she walks through the door of our Brick and Mortar shop, I am amazed & inspired by her sartorial choices.
Today she floated in with her breezy floral dress and suede black wedges on. Let's not forget to mention how gorgeous her hair looks!!! Can you imagine getting to hang out with this cutie all week?! I'm very happy to say that I get to.
Peep Barrie's Mad Lib answers below!
Featured accessories:
- Necklaces: Deco Curtain Necklace and Sirocco Necklace
- Bracelets: Golden Gate Cuff and Vintage Golden Bangle (Carried in our Brick and Mortar shop!! Yipee!)
- Rings: Kacie Ring and Silver Watch Ring from our friends at Radish Underground! - Happy Monday, friends! McLuvins, Kelly ***Song of the Moment: Killer Queen by Queen***