*Note: I'm using 'grunge' here to represent all rock considered 'alternative' that came from the Pacific Northwest in the late 80's-mid 90's. The exception on this mix is The Smashing Pumpkins who are from Chicago, but I've been revisiting them a lot lately and hey, it's my mix so I do what I want!!! Turn it up loud and remember exactly where you were on April 8th, 1994, hearing about what happened 3 days earlier.
The songs on this playlist and so many others from this time will always have a special place in my heart because they remind me of when music was starting to mean something to me. When I started to save up for CD's instead of toys. When I started to read Rolling Stone and watch MTV (when mom & dad weren't home, that is). What tunes are on your definitive grunge mix? xo Anna ***Song of the Moment: Eddie Vedder by Local H***