When I returned to Portland on December 31, I jumped right into friends and NYE celebrations as if I hadn't skipped a beat; though on the inside (and a little on the outside) it looked as if I was about to collapse. Christmas break in DC was fantastic, and came and went so quickly that for a brief moment before the new year rang in, I thought I was drinking my bubbly in the White House.
Uhhh...hello Mr. President. Um, HAPPY new year? Where's Obama?... whatever...er...best wishes). Luckily, I quickly woke to a room full of great friends--catching up and laughing and staying up way too late. The next day, I allowed myself to enjoy a perfect breakfast at Zell's with perfect people. And later, we just sat and watched movies all day, one of which was Slumdog Millionaire. I really really liked this movie. I was especially taken with the final moments--be sure to watch through the credits...it will tickle. The next day, January 2nd, I had to re-enter my studio. I was soooo reluctant to turn the key and walk in. I had surely left it upturned in the pre-holiday rush to get out of town on time amidst the winter blizzardland. I wasn't ready to get back to work. I was hating on my studio before I even gave it a chance. For the first moments on one hard studio stool, I spent 2 hours drooling and staring at my computer with a break-not-really-break hangover, really dreading getting back to work--trying to think up excuses to get myself outta there for the day.
After I finished my slow moan, I decided to buck the heck up! With a little bit of Stumptown fuel I switched into high gear, filling all the awesome Etsy.com orders I received while out of town and preparing for the sale I promised Portland Picks readers I would have on Saturday, January 3rd. Before I knew it, I was minutes from leaving for the day, so I quicky cleaned the display case and swept and mopped the floors. She was all shiny before I turned off the final lights and all I could think while I turned the key for the second time that day was: "I'm not ready to go!"
(photograph by the amazing Ms. Hickok, check out her awesome work here: www.hickokphotography.com)
I. love. my. job. The ideas are flowin'. The hands are rested. The heart is full. Thank you all SO MUCH for such an unbelievable holiday season! It was my first and definitely (even in this crazy economy???) solid affirmation that my living is not being made in vain. I love it!!! Your support is more appreciated than I have ways to express. ***Song of the Moment: Fools, by the Dodos***