It's that time of year when social schedules are packed and if you're like me, your go-to festive outfit is always laying out on a chair, just waiting to make its next appearance (slightly wrinkled, definitely not 100% clean, but ready nonetheless). After last year's holiday dinner amazingness wherein we wined & dined at Tasty n' Sons until they closed, I was most def looking forward to our party this year at our favorite neighborhood restaurant, Besaw's. Spoiler alert: it did not disappoint.
- Surprise! We all thought we only had the patio reserved, but when we walked in, turns out we had the whole restaurant to ourselves. Besaw's, you guys absolutely made our night as special as it could possibly be.
- Obviously a group shot was my third priority (numbers 1 and 2 involved steak and wine...). This is dark & maybe even a bit blurry, but I love it so much! Please note the raised arms.
- Gratuitous Channa shot because we both wore sparkles.
- Feasting! The food was so good. Highlights for me were fried pickles (chips, v. important distinction), Suzy & I destroying a cheese plate meant for many people to share, and a giant slice of chocolate cake for dessert. Also, as aforementioned, I love steak. I nearly busted the zipper of my shorts romper (#shromper), but it was worth it.
- Speech, speech, speech! "Where we are now is a dream I didn't even know I had." - Betsy *cue waterworks from staff*
- Motto for the night, and wise words for life in general