- in first studio, just before the opening...
an old Outfit of the Day in the first studio
first models, first jewelry, first shoot.
And guess what we are? NOT BANKRUPT!
fixing something just before the NEW studio opening.
favorite lights in the new space.
in through the outside.
working hard!
new light.
awesome shoppers.
And not bankrupt is only the tip of the iceberg. We're growing. The jewelry designs are getting hotter by the minute. We have almost 2,500 Facebook fans. We have 11 new wholesale jewelry accounts just this month! I quit my job in August, so we're doing it together AND our marriage hasn't fallen apart; in fact, it's stronger than ever!
sexy new designs.
yes, the marriage still rocks.
We're happy. We're thankful. We are the lucky 10 percent. Thank you so much for sticking with us---we heart you all!!! ***Song of the Moment: Groove Me, by Maximum Balloon***