(idea comes straight from the amazing Abby over at her blog.)
Sight #1: A perfectly imperfect path outside of a specially designed Venice home. Taste: Salty licorice fishes from Holland. I used to hate these, now I'm hooked. (I'm preparing myself for an upcoming visit from my beautiful Dutch friend.) Sight #2 (and my favorite):
Three of my favorite things: an old rickety bike, Will's feet, and bright green grass in the Spring time.
Freshly sawed wood. Will is building me a very high storage shelf in my tiny studio. It's looking fantastic and cleaning up the space very well. I also get a special handmade wooden ladder. That boy never ceases to amaze me with all of his projects. I'm such a lucky gal.
Sight #3:
In the same awesome space where the imperfect path lay, was this tall, strange geometric corner. I couldn't leave without documenting it. I truly dig odd corners.
Awhile back, I posted about a new (for me) music discovery, Bon Iver. Well, I finally bought the album when in California. The best part is that I didn't overplay it like I am inclined to do when I first buy a new album. Instead, I forgot about it after the first few plays through, and just yesterday I remembered I had purchased a new album. When I listened to it the whole way through, it was like I had just bought it the moment before. Fresh, new, moving, just like the song I was drawn to, the entire album is big and raw and honest. I highly recommend: For Emma, Forever Ago.
Sight #4:
...and an accomplishment. I finally had a moment to add my old door number necklaces to my store. When I first came up with these back in December, I couldn't keep them in the shop. The moment I made one, I would sell it. A few weeks back, I made a whole slew of them...as many old door numbers as I could find. I just did not have the time to share them with the online world. There are two available online now and I plan on adding more to the shop in the coming week. Enjoy!
I plan on visiting with an old friend and actually taking a day off this weekend. I hope you all have marvelous weekends, full of light and love.
***Song of the Moment: The Wolves (Act 1 & 2), by Bon Iver***