Think there's absolutely nothing that can make Mondays & Tuesdays cool? Think again. Introducing the best thing to happen to the first two days of the work week probably ever: double Perkville points when you make a purchase in our Thurman St. brick & mortar on Mondays and Tuesdays now- July 5th. This special promotion is for members of Perkville, our in-store customer reward program. Normally, every $1 you spend in-store earns you 1 point. But during this promotion, every $1 you spend earns you 2 points. Remember, once you've earned enough points, you can create a coupon for a discount off your next in-store purchase. For more about our reward program, including instructions on how to create and/or view your account, visit

Yep, that means if you purchase anything you see up here ^ you will earn double points. Woot to the woot!
Click here to see what's new in-store right now and see you soon. -Anna