Doesn't Daphne look like she's ready to spend the whole day on an urban adventure with her BFF? Shopping from Southeast to Northwest Portland
Simply adorable.
I just can't get the image out of my mind of this outfit walking down the street on a sunny day with a slight breeze, sunglasses on, perfect temperature, a couple shopping bags in hand and non-creepy guys doing a double take stunned by the amount of cuteness emanating.
What she's wearing:
Top: Make It Good
Dress: Make It Good
Belt: Sarah Bibb
Bag: Appetite
Necklace: Simple Pyramid Necklace by betsy & iya
If Daphne had a head (and fingers)...
The Lost Shot Earrings. So fun. I love these!!!
The half oxidized Night Watch Ring. The finishing touch!
Let's hope this pleasant summer keeps up so Daph can keep wearing these breezy and fresh outfits. :) Fingers crossed, people. 'Til next time! Love, Barrie ***Song of the moment: Another Sunny Day, by Belle and Sebastian***