Believe it---I recently received the comment below on a very old post. And while the commenter attempted to be as vague and ambiguous as possible, they still managed to create a responsive paragraph that had absolutely not an inkling of relevance to the post: "Greetings. Very first I desire to say that I actually like your blog, just discovered it the past week but I've been following it since then. I appear to concur with most of your views and beliefs and this post is no exception. Thank you for any excellent blog and I hope you keep up the very good function. If you do I will carry on to browse through it. Have a great evening." no need to encourage a great evening, that comment made it ALL right. I will go forward in the day with my good function and hope you all continue to browse through it. Here's to all of you and your own good functions! xo~betsy ***Song of the Moment: You're My Best Friend, by Queen***