Hello dear precious readers and good morning (for me at least)! Awhile back, I introduced/teased you with the smaller version of the Normissima earrings: the Norma lacy baby. Though I didn't have any good pictures for the sweet babies and I had not one iota of a moment to list them in my online shop. And lately the lace earrings have been getting more attention. I recently mentioned the Interview by the awesome FB over at the Fabulously Broke in the City blog. Check it out if you get a moment; I really liked the questions she asked and the Normissimas make an appearance. Here they are for a refresher:
I found this awesome 40s vintage lace from a fellow Etsian and I knew immediately I had to turn it into earrings. At the time, I had been dreaming of mixing old fabric (preferably lace) and metal---and this lace was a match made in heaven. I carefully stiffen the lace overnight. I "glue" the fabric in huge batches for efficacy after I've cut them into the shapes of my liking. After I determine what the design needs by staring at it for awhile and then I usually do something wild with skinny sterling silver wire. My friend Jen, from her killer salon next door, says she loves how delicate the lace looks with the hardness of the wire. I. LOVE. CONTRASTS. After that interview, something magical happened...One of my favorite bloggers, Jena, from the Modish blog featured my Charlotte's Grace earrings along with a collection of other very fine items. I was SO excited and I'm SO not afraid to gush it out here. This is what it looks like and if you haven't ever checked out her blog, you should go over there NOW:
If you love the lacies, you should go for it. Everyone's doin' it!! As promised then, here are the smaller (more tame) version of the above Normissima earrings. These are a direct link to my online shop to buy, so --WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? You deserve to look this hot:
- Norma Lacy Baby profile earrings