One week left (through March 7th) to enter in our Month Of Love Short Short Story Contest!! Have you been reading some of these entries?? They are so. good!
If you haven't heard of this (super amazing) contest yet, then here's the scoop: The prize: A $400 gift card to betsy & iya and a custom made piece of jewelry just for you (the winner) inspired by your story. There's also a 2nd place winner who gets a $100 gift certificate & 3rd place winner who gets a $50 gift certificate too (good for redemption at the betsy & iya online or retail store)! The story: Write a short-short-short story in just 40 words or less to capture a quintessential moment in the life of a betsy & iya wearer. The why: Each piece of betsy & iya jewelry has an encapsulating, mysterious story that goes along with it (see one of my favorites). They're always written after the jewelry is designed, but now we want to challenge you to reverse the process and write a story first so Betsy can create something stunning from it. The best part: It's free, it's fun, and just for entering you get 20% off your next purchase at our online shop 'til April 3rd, 2013!! This is a short version of the down-low, so if my instructions were not clear enough find out more info here and here. Show me your words of magic, people! And just for fun, Kelly and I wanted to share a couple of stories we came up with just to get your creative juices flowing: It had been this way her whole life, the doubts and fear; they pushed down on her. They told her she couldn't, so she did anyway. -Kelly After all the daydreams, sheepish laughs, and hopeful goodbye's, she had waited two years for this moment. So when he finally asked she uttered with a nervous smile, "Is this a joke? Because if it is, it's not funny." It wasn't. -Barrie Shakespeare, right? Well, at least Kelly knows what she's doing. I can't wait to see what you come up with! Love, Barrie ***Song of the moment: Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel by Tavares***