Scrabble Heart.

After an invigorating New Years at Mt. Hood with incredible friends, all we had energy for on Sunday was a day of sloth.  W played Facebook online Scrabble ALL day long; we never took off our pajamas, except to take a bath and then get back in them. Last night when W put his arms around me for our nightly snuggle ritual, I told him how big my heart felt for our wondrous holiday season spent with family and friends ...and for him.  All in a sweet sleepy eyed bedroom state, I said something like, "I have a big heart right now." W responded:  "I have a Scrabble heart." B:  What do you mean? W:  It could be "heart.:  It could be "earth."  If there were an extra e on the board, it could be "heater." I laughed until I cried and then fell asleep happy in the knowledge our Scrabble hearts lay on the same board. 2010, here we come. How did y'all ring in the new year? ***Song of the Moment: I Don't Know Why, by Stevie Wonder***
Group 7