We started off this trip sort of like how we've started off any big thing we've done in this business: by pulling all nighters and drinking a ton of coffee (and maybe a little beer here and there). I keep thinking one day we'll grow out of the cramming-for-a-major-school-presentation mentality. But then I realize it's not arbitrary, not a project by project sort of thing; it's what we do when we want something to be the very best it could possibly be. It's our hands and it's our hearts.

I also thought there was no way we could possibly get through everything we needed to get through. It was around 5:30 in the morning, the night before we flew out, when I realized we were going to make it.

I could not believe it. I was about to hop on a plane for another one of my favorite things (re: epic road trip) and there was an actual real chance that
everything was going to be completed.

New designs. New processes. New machines. New everything. It was all feeling a bit overwhelming. Then I made this:

And this:

The cuffs and the rings and designs I have been dreaming about and drawing and touching for AGES ...designs that I feel more connected to than anything I've ever created before---these things were actually materializing before my very eyes.

After months and months of hard work, we finished at 12:30pm on Sunday, minutes before we had to rush off and catch our flight.
We made it. We're in Georgia. We're happy. We've got stories for you.
...and we're sooooooo not done.
Love to all~ bets
***Song of the Moment: Clean Slate, by M. Ward***