New items on!

If there's one thing we all love around these parts it's shopping. The thrill of finding something to exchange for your hard-earned dollars can turn even the most rotten day upside-down. Our brick & mortar is top notch for shopping, whether it's to improve your mood or let someone else know you care. We've been working hard to bring the same "no fail zone" mentality to our online shop, and I'm happy to share a slew of new products on that are ripe for the picking from the comforts of your own home or workplace (we won't tell your boss).porcelain dishes

Where you keep your jewelry when it's not on your hot bod is of most importance, a truth Amy of Red Raven Studio knows well. She's the one who makes these decorative and functional Bryce Canyon porcelain dishes that are great for keeping your beloved rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets safe and in tip top shape.

leather cross body bag

You asked, we listened, and now here they are: four varieties of Goertzen Adventure Equipment leather bags available online. Glory be! These bags are built to last and each one is unique and handmade in Montana. Unisex, durable, stylish. Find another bag that meets all those requirements and I'll still believe that this one is better.

fresh scented room sprayRoom spray so fresh, you'll forget you live with other people, animals, &/or yourself (we all get that post-gym funk).  Shop Sydney Hale Room Spray in three varieties, $24 each.


Demimonde is one of our bestselling lines in the shop, and we want everyone all over the world to know about Rachael's intricately beautiful - yet extremely versatile - designs. These Asymmetrical Turquoise earrings are a favorite for so many reasons (first and foremost: that beadwork tho!).

Amy Olson necklace There's a lot of things we can always count on from Amy Olson's jewelry; among them are elegance, attention to detail (Do you see that accent chain? Brilliant!), and the ability to be dressed up or down. This Meredith necklace is the perfect example of all that. It will adorn your décolletage from the office to date night, and also the pit stop to Taco Bell on the way home. #weveallbeenthere These, my friends, are just five examples of the new items on Check out everything that's new online now! Bye for now, Anna
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