Yesterday, we went to Cacao with our out of town friend. This is one of the perks of hosting out of town visitors: discovering new gems together. It's like going panning for gold together in your back yard and discovering a huge vein of the stuff that you get to revisit whenever you fancy. And poor, poor friend; they're on a plane back home to a place with no gold.
And in our case yesterday: no drinking chocolate for poor, poor Helga. Good news for us, though, because Cacao is AMAZING and basically in our own backyard. We all walked in feeling kind of tired. Even though the days are getting longer, 5:20 is still right early for the sky to be dark. We walked out buzzing, overdosed on spicy drinking chocolate. One shot of this thick, heavenly, mouth-coating, chocolate blessing ($2) is plenty for any appetite. A standard size (what B and I ordered) is basically a Mike Tyson in liquid form. A delicious Mike Tyson. Folks, we'll share our goldmine with you. There's more than enough to go around. ***Song of the Moment: I Say Fever, by Ramona Falls***