(Yup, that's me! Jasmine Photography took this sweet shot. Thanks Alexis!!)
Meet me at Shecky's Girls Night Out! I've got a pair of free tickets that will get you through the door! Who wants them!?! I'll be there all 5 days (June 23-June 27). (Just leave a comment after this post and I'll select a winner at random next Wednesday, June 17th...can't wait to meet you!!) ...okay, it's (btw, just accidentally wrote "tit's" and it really made me giggle) decided--- this entire post is going to be emphatic!!!
(betsy & iya as featured in Shecky's hot picks for the NYC Summer 2009 event! The Coin Goddess Necklace is featured above... with the massive black arrow pointing to it.)
This will be my first Shecky's event and I'm trying to spread the word that handmade designers/artists like me will also be vendors there. I like selling at events like this precisely because an audience that is not typically exposed to handmade might, for once, get a great taste of it. I think there will be many awesome items to choose from and if people know about the handmade dudes, like me---it becomes all the more exciting. It's a tangible face-to-face sense of design, hardwork and community. Also, those of you who read here from far off lands (slash: NYC or Philly)---we could meet!! I'm bringing ALL of my jewelry plus loads and loads of new designs that I've yet to list in my online store! This coin goddess necklace will be on sale---(special for Shecky's customers $10 off):
Awesome photo by: Jasmine Photography. (click and be directed to item in my shop)!
Okay, so if you wanna meet me in NYC, come to Shecky's Girls Night Out, any night June 23rd-27th...FREE BOOZE, btw! If you want to get in for free...COMMENT BELOW, you just might win!!
Again, consider coming to support those handmade designers who come (making the trek ALL the way from beautiful Portland, OR...ahem) from faraway to showoff and sell their wares made by their own two hands.
***Song of the Moment: The Ballad of Dorothy Parker, by Prince***