So much of this project has been about time. Each passing day brings changes that we've been waiting for for a long time. We've marked the passing of time in relation to construction progress. Each blog post, I write how I can't believe it's already time for another update. Time is flying. It's almost party time. Ya see what I mean?
Now that construction is nearing completion, over the course of which we wished it to speed by as quickly as possible, we want to pause and capture some of what is going on in this moment that, when we look back in 10, 20, 50+ years, will be so monumental to the betsy & iya story. The crew has built up, busted through, and torn down walls over the past 5 months and we couldn't let them leave without leaving our mark within the walls.
Enter, the betsy & iya Time Capsule. The chance to contribute to history is something that doesn’t come around everyday if you’re not an Olympic athlete or Grammy winning musician. This is your opportunity to leave your mark with us, because without each and every one of YOU, there’s no way we’d be in the position to expand. So, we're asking for your answers to these questions, too. One by one, we'll pose them to our Facebook & Instagram fans, and we’ll supplement the entries we receive online, in store, and at our party with a few objects of our own (hello, pair of earrings from our FIRST line!), and enclose the final collection at our party on May 9th.
Why these questions? As some of you know, we have a weekly all staff meeting where we gather to discuss projects we're working on, shop news, and upcoming events. At the end, we go around and each share the answer to one of the questions above. It never fails to be a revealing and uniting experience and I especially love it when goals turn into proud of's a few weeks later.
Feel free to answer in the comments here on the blog, or on our Facebook or Instagram pages. Extra incentive? Oh, we got that: answering these questions will get you one entry into our raffle to win gift certificates that we'll give away at the party. We can't wait to include YOU in this special project!
See you on May 9th (you're coming to our party, RIIIIIGHT?!?! K, good!).
***Song of the Moment: Time by Pink Floyd because what else??***