One thing I love about DC and Virginia (my home state) is the warmth and color of the landscape. There's a reason they say it's for lovers-- you pretty much can't beat the Blue Ridge Mountains... Oh, and DC's abundant cherry blossoms. I wanted the paintings to have a cohesiveness while remaining independent.
I loved the idea of cherry blossoms as the through line. So the cherry blossom was the impetus (along with the right kind of blues), then I kinda went nuts from there. The top painting is also the bottom painting, flipped around. It's the most abstract; it's my favorite.
This one is huge, 30 x 40 inches. I painted it horizontally, as seen at the top. When finished, I played with which angle was my favorite and why. This vertical version reminds me of a calm creek or stream (also very Virginia) and the sun going down on a summer's day, with fish jumping and fireflies waving and micro eco-systems thriving. It reminds me of a place I want to be.
I really should do this more often.
***Song of the Moment: A Sunday Smile, by Beirut***