Legit status = 100

Never underestimate the power of black light bowling to trigger intense nostalgia.

Elizabeth, with her crouching tiger/hidden dragon-style form, was my nemesis that night. We were head-to-head the whole night! I think she ended up beating me (and by "I think" I actually mean "yes, yes she did beat me").

Taylor, sweet-natured maker by day, fierce pin-annihilator by night.

Suzy's strengths include being an insanely talented merchandiser, always looking out for all of us at work, and making beautiful jewelry. One of Suzy's only weaknesses? Bowling. Now we know.

Bossman Will, the king of doing a million things at once and doing them all really, really well, obviously bowls a great game WHILST eating pizza. How's that for multitasking?

This is Shea, who is observing the result of his latest bowl, which always resulted in one of two outcomes: strike or spare. Some people get all the talent.
Taking a bow after your turn - I don't care if you only hit the gutter - is totally mandatory. Betsy makes it look especially cute!
After two fierce hours on the lanes, we moved upstairs where there is an arcade full of games for adults!
Sara and Suzy take the wheel.
Another wonderful all-staff outing is in the books (in the lanes?) for the quarter. Super big thanks to the planning team of Elizabeth, Betsy, Barrie, and Gabriella for making sure all logistics were taken care of.
Until next outing,