We're BACK!
Hello again everyone, we've missed you. I'm sorry we've been gone for so long but I'll bet you've all been so busy with family and friends and presents and parties and treats and drinks and delightful memory making that you were way too busy to miss us. Our breaks were great! Thanks for asking. ;) But we're ready to get back to work--in fact, some of us have been working through the holidays. What can I say? We just love what we do too much to stay away from it for more than a couple days. Well, just wanted to say a quick hello and let you know that we are SO excited to start this new year of 2013!!!!! It's gonna be big, people... prime numbers are always a big deal, especially the infamous 13. But before I go, please, please, please, tell me how your holidays were! We want to know what you've all been up to. What sorts of shenanigans did you get into? Any fun presents? Fancy flings (teeheehee)? Resolutions? Speaking of resolutions... stay tuned to see what the New Years resolutions of the b&i crew are for 2013! Won't wanna miss that. 'Til tomorrow my precious little plums. Happy New Year! Love, Barrie ***Song of the moment: Let's Start The New Year Right by Bing Crosby***