Outfit of The Day: Sexy Nanny.

Disclaimer: The above title is not what I was going for, but after I walked into work and one of our employees dubbed my style as "eclectic bohemian sexy nanna," I haven't been able to live it down.  Please note: I opted for the word "nanny" rather than "nanna."

Remember yesterday's post?  Well, everything I'm wearing today is so old that it's almost not worth mentioning, but the coolest thing is I've never ever paired these pieces in this way---and I LOVE the way it so oddly came together. Top: basic from Nordstrom. Skirt: Grandma's. (Literally, this came from my Grandmother's basement.) Tights: I'm not sure, so I'm just going to give you a link to my favorite local leg-accessory place: Sock Dreams. Belt: Gift from my Mama. (actually, I complimented her and the next thing I know, the belt is in my hands...her generosity can't be STOPPED!) Shoes: Biviel. Ring: NEW simple statement rings from betsy & iya. Expect it on the site in just a few days! Earrings: Modern chevron dangle earrings from yours truly.

I am a super dork today, and I love it. I hope you all have GLORIOUS weekends!  It's supposed to be super sunny + hot in Portland all weekend and intend to soak it the heck UP! xo~betsy ***Song of the Moment: This Tornado Loves You, by Neko Case***
Group 7