How to Get a Hot New Wardrobe Without Spending a Dime!

Okay, okay, OKAY...maybe I like to hold onto things for a little longer than I should.  Whatever.  Sometimes it's cool and useful, riiight!?! When I first started betsy & iya, I met an awesome friend who is the absolute queen of purging (the good kind).  She taught me that it's okay to let go. And when one begins the process of letting go, it cracks open this new world of breath and space.  It becomes addictive and invigorating. Several years ago, when W and I realized we would be living in our tiny condo for a lot longer than we'd hoped (indefinitely), I had to accept that our bedroom wasn't getting any bigger; in fact, it was getting way smaller---swelling up fast, like a kid with a bee-sting and a bad allergy (don't worry, he survives it).  I had to let go of some of the mass that  I'd carried with me for...years. With Susan's recommendation, I decided I had to enlist help...I could NOT do this on my own.  I invited a good friend over, sat her down on the couch, pulled out the wine, and explained to her what she had to do---stay open, focused, decisive and trust her gut.  When the whole process was over, I felt like a new WOMAN!  We both had such a good time and she wanted me to come over to her house next.

Here's how it works:

    1. Prior to friend arriving, go through all corners of the house that contain your clothing.
    2. Collect into a Goodwill box, any clothing that you would rather not expose yourself to any more.
    3. Create a----do-I-look-like-a-@#$%-in-this, do-I-really-like-this-thing-I-bought-10-years-ago, is-this-just-something-I'm-confusing-with-a-special-memory, have-I-completely-lost-perspective-on-style ----pile of clothing.
    4. Organize back into your closet and dresser any clothing that you're absolutely sure you feel like a beauty queen rockstar in.
    5. Good friend arrives and you prep her with a fun drink, a comfortable seat, relaxing lighting, and all the instructions she needs to make the right decisions.
    6. Walk out of your bedroom wearing one piece of clothing from the pile.
    7. Good friend takes a quick look at what she sees.
    8. Good friend makes a decision within 10 seconds.
    9. Good friends says out loud ONLY ONE of 3 things: yes, no, or maybe.
    10. Throw items in their designated yes, no, or maybe piles.
    11. Giggle a lot (especially at certain pieces of clothing like the crop shirt you bought back in high school that could still be cute if the bottom of your boobs weren't hanging out of it).
    12. Cry a little?
    13. Finish and go back to the maybe pile.
    14. Good friend has another 10 seconds to make her specific maybe case (e.g. well, I like that shirt because the color is so good on you. I'm uncertain because it doesn't really seem like your style any more?).
    15. Then you have another 10 seconds to make the final yes or no decision on the maybe pile.
    16. Discuss with Good Friend new ways to wear the old stuff.
    17. Be creative and ridiculous! Have fun!
    18. In another 6 months, REPEAT!
Will and I are ready to take on this project again.  We've waited too long and both of our never-wear clothing collections have gotten way out of hand.  We might invite friends over OR just be the other's Good Friend.  It should be a blast.  We plan on posting pictures of the oh-so-fun process! This is a quick and fun way to deal with something that can sometimes feel overwhelming, unreachable, or even sad.  In the end, you have a new closet and a new wardrobe.  I can't wait! Let me know if you take this on!  Or do you have any advice on how to deal with this kind of thing?  I loooove looking at old things in new ways. HAPPY Thursday to all! so much love~betsy ***Song of the Moment: Cracks, by Freestylers + Belle Humble***
Group 7