Yesterday's Outfit of the Day: Thriller.

I cannot get enough of the ridiculous choices of the 80s.  Here I have taken a perfectly good Forever 21 turtleneck sweater dress, cut out the high neck (sometimes I have nonchalant panic attacks when these things are snuggling my neck; you might think I'm fine, but I'm going bonkers inside), then I cut and ripped down the center, tried it on and ripped some more until I was satisfied:



I'll thriller you.I'll thriller you.

another awesome scarf from Sloan Boutique on the fancy 23rd.  friend exchange racer back weird see-through black thingy tank top (this adds spice to SO many boring things in my closet).  red corduroys...duh.



racer back tank, sliced through turtleneckracer back tank, sliced through turtleneck

The simple gray undershirt with the cute white buttons was perfect for this outfit.  Keep lots of simple undershirts in your drawers--they go a long way.  I'm a huge fan of layering and accessorizing; you can still support local stores without having to spend a ton of money---you'll look different and spice up your old garb!

***Song of the Moment: Dirty Diana (slash: betsy), by Michael Jackson***

Group 7