What in the World Will I Design Next?

I often wonder about design---what makes people do it? What makes people want to design? Especially in circumstances similar to my own, when there isn't much of a choice anymore. We've built this thing that now relies on my ability to deliver - to design and (hopefully) be authentically inspired. The only way I know how to do it is to make it personal. My designs are often centered around journey and travel. That's why I find it particularly interesting that the first place Short Short Story contest winner's entry is titled, "To Denmark." I can see myself in the story that follows. I've been there. I know what happens after. The design is already budding in my mind. I cannot wait to see how it takes shape. As Barrie mentioned yesterday, Will and I will travel to Denmark soon to visit some of my dearest friends and to finally have that vacation we've been dreaming about. It was always my intention to absorb as much of it as we can, but now it takes on a different meaning. Design and inspiration intersecting with real life --- wasn't that always the thing? ...at its best. My time in Mexico City might very well have been the start of betsy & iya (even though I didn't know it at the time). Lately, I've been dreaming about Mexico as an impetus for design. The vibrant city life, the culture, the colors, the history, the dance, the aliveness---Gah! I love it all. I've already drawn much inspiration from the place, but there's a chance that Mexico will soon be its own collection, separate from Scandinavia. BUT therein lies an opportunity, a fusion of sorts. Travel and time will tell what becomes of it. For now, I'll leave you with these things that are scratching my design itch:         Have a most beautiful, inspiring and design-worthy Wednesday. LOVES~betsy ***Song of the Moment: El Carretero, by Buena Vista Social Club***
Group 7